Johanna's official legal stuff
My legal "blah-blah statement
11 January 2001
Thank you for visiting my website. As you will find out very shortly,
my website is chock full
of opinions, most of which are MINE. Some belong to other people, but the
majority of them are mine. If something
you see really interests you and you would like to learn more, please find
someone who really knows what the hell
they are talking about. This site is my personal experiences. We all have
different views of the same exact stuff, so
dont even begin thinking that I am the word of God, or Buddha for that
As for my gastric bypass diary, and this is *VERY* important, I do
mention a lot of doctors and places and people and such. My journal
is my opinion. I'm NOT a medical doctor, I don't even portray one
on television. Please, if you are considering such surgery, I can give you
all sorts of opinion, but consult with a real live physician
who can help you. There are lots of good physicians out there waiting to
hear from you. Go find them.
Last, but not least, the good people who are kind enough to host
my site, 757tech, and also the owners of are not responsible for the
content of my site. They are just responsible for giving me webspace to
host my stuff, kind souls
that they are. Nothing more, nothing less.
Thank you for your time, and if you have further questions please
be sure to find me....hannie
now go and enjoy
the hannie fanclub already!   or enjoy my journal